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What is Sentence Smart®️?

Sentence Smart Grammar is an easy, exciting multisensory sentence construction and reading comprehension system. It enables students to physically disassemble and analyze sentences by "interviewing" the parts of speech with questions that reveal their connections. Students improve their reading comprehension and writing skills by mastering grammar through color-coded cards, spinners, songs, videos, workbooks, online lessons, and practice quizzes with immediate and encouraging feedback.

Sentence Smart uses the Orton-Gillingham method, which promotes (V.I.T.A.L.) or Visual, Interactive, Tactile, Auditory Learning.

Brian Vieira M.A. (Science of Reading Specialist)

With over three distinguished decades of creating evidenced-based, structured literacy curricula and training students and teachers from K-12, Mr. Vieira has become one of the nation's leading experts on the English spelling, writing, and reading system.

He is the author of twenty-three books on English orthography, morphology, etymology, and dyslexia that help parents and teachers equip students with the skills they need to spell, read, and write with confidence and excellence.

Mr. Vieira is currently the President of ScholarSkills Learning Center, which assists students, parents, and teachers in their quest for excellence.

He is the author of the following curricula:

  • The Sentence-Smart Grammar Curriculum, which helps students analyze and construct simple and complex sentence structures.

  • The Word-Parts for Word-Smarts Curriculum, which helps students learn vocabulary through morphology and etymology

  • The Sound and Say Oral Spelling Curriculum, which helps students master the phonemic and syllabic structures of English orthography

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