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T.A.G. Homeschool Enrichment Academy
We put the thrills in reading skills.
Are you looking for an easy, effective, and engaging way to teach your kids to read?
Well, you've found it. Our Sound and Say Phonics program offers 125 interactive videos along with tactile tools that make learning fun and easy for both kids and parents. Our systematic phonics spelling approach is based on the science of reading and provides step-by-step guided instruction. Just click and play to see your child's reading soar!
Four steps to reading success
Sound and Say
And work with your child every day
It was super easy that any parent could sit 5 minutes a day and just work daily on learning that letters equate to and sounds build words. We have been on this journey now for several years and my sons growth is amazing. His ability to understand sounds and build words is phenomenal and is helping him excel in school.
Dr. Chanel Thompson
Parents teaching reading
Home videos and pics
Mom and her first-grade son
She sent this to us to show how much he had been improving through our coaching, online program, and her commitment.
Mom and her five-year old using our interactive alphabetical cards and videos

Mom teaching her first grader how to spell the various vowel sounds. She's using our interactive alphabetical spelling cards.
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